Poetry Fill in the Blank Worksheet

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Phonics Poems

This easy-to-read phonics poem has lots of short a words in it, such as cat, fat, glad, mat, tan, bad, and sad.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

Common Core

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This short vowel phonics poem has many short e words in it, including beg, egg, get, pen, red, and end.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short e words in it, including wet, pet, fetch, and better.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short i words in it, such as pig, prince, jig, wig, and sit.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short i words in it, such as drip, sink, quick, slip, and sink.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short o words in it, such as stop, hot,top, pot, and hopping.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short o words in it, such as odd, on, spot, dot, and dog.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short u words in it, such as puppy, dug, tub, rug, and tummy.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This short vowel phonics poem has many short u words in it, such as hug, buggy, bump, rug, up, and cut.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

1st Grade Poems

This is a cute sing-song poem about apple picking. Reading comprehension questions are included on the second page.

1st Grade

This poem titled, Play, is filled with fun actions. Kids can read the poem, then try to spot the action verbs. They can also search for rhyming words.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This easy-to-read poem about a buzzing bumblebee has lots of repetition. The file features a vocabulary matching worksheet and a rhyming words activity.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade

This is a creative poem about a car trip to Grandma's house.

1st Grade

In this cute poem, kids read about the colors red, blue, green, and yellow in nature.

1st Grade

2nd Grade Poems

Read and learn about snakes with this science poem. Students will enjoy discovering why snakes stick their tongue out as they slither along.

2nd Grade

A nervous child anxiously enters her classroom for the first time. She's got a new lunchbox, new school supplies, and shiny shoes. But will she like her new teacher?

2nd Grade

A child is tired of his sister following him around. What is his solution? Read the poem to find out.

2nd Grade

You can make all kinds of creative, crafty things from junk around the house. This poem will inspire the artist in your students.

2nd Grade

In this poem, a young student waits at the bus stop on a cold, snowy day. He is glad to be inside the warm bus when he rides to school.

2nd Grade

A beautiful spring day is described using the five senses. Comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing activity are included.

2nd Grade

Lotion, bikes, pools, and flip-flops are all signs of summer fun.

2nd Grade

In this poem, a tourist has a close encounter with awe-inspiring whales.

2nd Grade

Here is a poem about animals and the noises they make. Students will enjoy learning about animal "voices" in this witty poem. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.

2nd Grade

What treasures can you find inside the library? Children will discover the answer when they read this clever poem. Activity includes comprehension questions and a writing prompt.

2nd and 3rd Grades

Mysteries, joke books, animal books, and biographies are the favorite books of the narrator in this cute poem about reading.

2nd Grade

On a trip to the beach, the narrator of this poem picks up many pretty seashells. When she gets home, she discovers that they are even more special than she had imagined.

2nd Grade

Read the poem, or sing it as a song to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. This poem describes the life cycle of a butterfly.

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3rd Grade Poems

This relatable poem focuses on all of the things a modern day cell phone can do. A phone is no longer just a means of communication, it can do so much more!

Poor Betty, she doesn't seem to make the best spaghetti! Read this funny poem then answer the comprehension and vocabulary questions.

Meet a furry, sneaky thief who steals hot dog buns and sandwiches from campers at night. This file includes the poem, several reading comprehension questions, and a vocabulary activity.

3rd Grade

Have you ever had a frosted ketchup pop, pickle-pudding applesauce, or cherry-whipped-cream stew? The creative young cook in this poem makes all kinds of tasty concoctions.

3rd Grade

The narrator of this poem has a pet dragon, but he doesn't know what to feed it. Does it eat cupcakes, fish, applesauce, friend rice, or something else?

3rd Grade

The child in this poem has a ball using her mother's camera. She takes hundreds of pictures of zoo animals, insects, his mother, and his friends!

3rd Grade

In this poem, students read about the many fun uses for sock balls. This file includes comprehension questions.

3rd Grade

A boy walks down the street with his dog, Jake, saying hello and greeting his neighbors. Jake only barks at one person - can you guess who it is?

3rd Grade

A boy loses a race... against his shadow. This file includes the poem, and a set of comprehension questions.

3rd Grade

A child tries to catch an earthworm. However, what he catches isn't what he expects.

3rd Grade

A boy is trying to build a treehouse, but he keeps misplacing his tools. He loses his nails, his hammer, and even the lumber. There's one tool, however, that's impossible to lose. Do you know what it is?

3rd Grade

The author of this poem shows us why dogs are man's best friend.

3rd Grade

Grandma grows spaghetti sauce in her garden! Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

3rd Grade

Do you know what a soccer ball feels like on a Saturday morning? It's raced, it's chased, it's punted, and kicked. It's kneed and launched and it sails and soars.

2nd through 4th Grades

Here's a fun poem about creative things you can do with colorful fall leaves.

3rd Grade

A snowman, hot cocoa, and a little winter magic make this seasonal poem really fun to read! This English language arts activity includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.

3rd Grade

This is the traditional "30 Days Has September" rhyme to help kids learn the months of the year.

2nd and 3rd Grades

Learn the three states of matter with this song, which can be sung to the tune of Wheels on the Bus.

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A fun song that teaches students about cirrus, cumulus, nimbus, and stratus clouds  (tune: "Farmer in the Dell")

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Can you imagine what school would be like if all of your friends- and even your teacher- could fly?

3rd Grade

Read about hawks, eagles, porcupines, opossums, skunks, beavers, and badgers all living together in an ecosystem.

3rd Grade

Learn what makes vertebrates and invertebrates different in this clever poem! Children will choose an animal to classify as a vertebrate or invertebrate in a writing activity, plus learn some new vocabulary words, and answer reading comprehension questions. An answer key is included.

3rd and 4th Grades

Learn about magnets with this cute poem about magnet friends that attract and repel.

3rd through 5th Grades

What do you hope to see happen in the world you live in? This poem will get you thinking how you can "help the world."

3rd Grade

4th Grade Poems

Having a runny nose can be bad, but what if your runny nose ran right off your face? Students will enjoy this funny poem that talks about the adventures of a runny nose.

Who loves pizza more than the Pizza Beast? In this poem the Pizza Beast eats all types of pizza with all kinds of toppings. Read the poem then answer the comprehension questions, and respond to a short writing prompt.

This poem helps to remind us of the peacefulness of nature. Read the poem "On My Nature Hike" then answer the questions. An animal identification sheet is also attached.

Learn about current and static electricity in this clever poem at a fourth grade level. Activity includes comprehension questions and vocabulary words.

4th Grade

This silly poem helps students understand the difference between wants and needs. Activity includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.

4th Grade

Learn all about supply and demand in this fun poem that features Stan and his Boomtastic Flies!

4th Grade

Learn about urban, suburban, and rural communities in this clever poem.

4th Grade

This activity will help students take an introspective look at themselves by examining their positive character traits. Packet contains an explanation of character traits, poem, vocabulary, and writing activity.

This is a wonderful seasonal poem about the Harvest Moon. Read the poem, answer the comprehension questions, then learn about Harvest Moon.

The boy in this poem is looking in a mirror and he sees that has his grandma's smile, his uncle's toes, his cousin's hair, and his mother's perky nose.

4th Grade

If you have a rabbit habit, it means you like to eat vegetables. It's one good habit to have!

4th Grade

While playing ball with her big sister, a girl makes an amazing catch. The game changes, however, when her dog wants to play along.

4th Grade

This creative poem describes the many beautiful colors of a sunset.

4th Grade

Explore the natural world on a scenic nature hike. This poem includes comprehension questions, a writing activity, and a vocabulary page.

2nd Grade

A curious girl looks up into the brilliant sky and sees a dragon soaring her way!

4th Grade

The narrator of this poem wishes she had a butter churn so she could show her friends how to magically turn cream into butter.

4th Grade

When you can't sleep at night, you may want to try picking up a pen to write!

4th Grade

This science poem describes the different types of flowers the grow in the desert.

4th Grade

Walnuts come from walnut trees. Almonds come from almond trees. Why do acorns come from oaks? A redwood tree is not really red and an ash tree doesn't grow ashes. Reads of this poem will think about why trees have such odd names.

4th Grade

This file contains a short article and a poem about Venus fly traps. Reading comprehension questions follow on page two.

4th Grade

Frontier life was challenging for a young girl. Children had to milk the cow, mend their socks, sew, and weed the garden. However, her parents made a special promise that she can go to school if their town gets a teacher.

4th Grade

5th Grade Poems

Are you a flibbertigibbet? A flibbertigibbet's a gossip, a snoop, a tireless tattler in search of the scoop.

5th Grade

This is a cute poem about a spelling bee who can spell the name of all the flowers she visits.

5th Grade

Clockatoos are never late. They're almost always on time. But if they're tardy, it may mean their clocks have failed to chime.

5th Grade

In this fun poem, a person is staring at his watch, wondering if it ever gets tired of telling the time.

5th Grade

This is a beautiful poem about chasing fireflies on the final night of summer. Following the poem are a series of multiple choice and short answer questions.

A group of people stop for ice cream while waiting for a ferry to come. What happens when they stay at the ice cream shop too long?

5th Grade

A magical fairy is spotted dancing in the garden after a rain storm.

5th Grade

Learn interesting facts about opossums with this acrostic science poem.

5th Grade

6th Grade Poems

Here's a passage about two animals with a symbiotic relationship. A sea urchin rides a crab along the ocean floor. The two animals have a mutually beneficial relationship.

3rd through 5th Grades

Figurative Language

When you dine at Hyperbole Cafe, the soup is deeper than the sea and the bread is longer than a train. The noodles stretch over a mile and the peas are piled a mile high.

2nd through 5th Grades

This poem has lots of similes! Black as words on printed pages. Sad like tigers locked in cages. Long as thread unrolled from spools. Straight like legs on wooden stools.

4th Grade

Everyone in the metaphor family is being compared to something! My brother is a dragon. My mom's a teddy bear. I am a shaggy sheepdog with a ton of tangled hair.

4th Grade

An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound that it describes. How many onomatopoeia can you find in this poem?

4th Grade

Personification is when a writer makes a non-human object or idea seem like a person. How many times is personification used in this weather poem?

3rd Grade

An idiom is a phrase that isn't meant to be taken literally. This poem includes idioms, such as "tickled pink," "left out in the cold," and "can't have your cake and eat it too."

2nd through 4th Grades

Grammar Poems

Students will underline all the common nouns and all the proper nouns in this poetry activity. They will also write their own noun poem.

2nd through 4th Grades

Students will underline the action verbs in this clever poem and compose an action verb poem of their own in this printable verb worksheets.

2nd through 4th Grades

Can you find all the adjectives in this silly poem? This adjective activity includes comprehension questions. An answer key is also included with this printable English language arts worksheet.

2nd through 4th Grades

Stanley becomes quite frightened when a storm howls eerily outside his window. Can you find all the adverbs in this fun poem? This adverb activity includes comprehension questions and an answer key.

2nd through 4th Grades

Holiday Poems

What does kitten see when she looks up at the Christmas tree?

2nd through 4th Grades

This adorable poem is about a fashionable gingerbread man who writes a letter to Santa Claus.

The child in this poem thinks outside the box to find a special Father's Day gift for his dad - and Dad's reaction isn't quite what he expected.

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The main character in this poem has a Superstar Dad who tells jokes, scares away monsters, and has an appreciation for big bugs.

1st through 4th Grades

This Father's Day poem is a tribute to loving, supportive dads.

1st through 4th Grades

Students will enjoy reading about this poem on February 2, Groundhog Day. It tells what happens if the groundhog emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow.

1st through 4th Grades

Here's another terrific poem to use i your classroom on Groundhog Day.

2nd through 4th Grades

Here's a cute poem about hunting for the perfect Halloween pumpkin in a pumpkin patch. Read the poem and answer the comprehension questions that follow.

3rd Grade

Read this poem when you celebrate the 4th of July.

1st through 4th Grades

Celebrate workers of all occupations with this Labor Day Poem. (There is a Canadian version on our Labour Day Page.)

1st through 4th Grades

Read about Martin Luther King's dream for racial equality.

1st through 3rd Grades

Here's a poem about the symbolism behind the design of the American Flag.

1st through 4th Grades

Find out what happens when a young girl bakes an eleven-layer Mother's Day cake and burns it.

1st through 4th Grades

This poem is written as a letter in which a child asks, "Why is Mother's Day only one day in May?"

2nd through 4th Grades

The narrator of this poem is having trouble living up to the high expectations set by her sister on Mother's Day.

1st through 4th Grades

Learn about Pi on Pi Day (March 14 - 3.14) with this fun song to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus."

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This file contains a cute poem about a friendly leprechaun, reading

3rd through 6th Grades

Spring has brought with it many surprises! The biggest surprise of all is an April Fool's Day joke! Poem includes reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.

4th Grade

English-Language Arts Worksheets

Super Teacher Worksheets has phonics activities, grammar printables, reading comprehension passages for all grade levels, and spelling worksheets.

Holiday Worksheets

Print worksheets for Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, Groundhog Day, Pi Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and more.

Poetry Fill in the Blank Worksheet

Source: https://www.superteacherworksheets.com/poems.html

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